Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Global Warming and Game Theory

Global Warming 

According to NASA, over the last hundred years, the global average surface temperature increased from 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius. In the last fifty years, the rate of temperature increase has doubled. What causes global warming? The warming of earths surface is caused by an increase in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, caused by human activity. Heat enters earth as solar radiation in the form of light from the sun. Earth's atmosphere deflects some of this light, however about 70 percent of that light enters the Earth and is absorbed, warming the land and the oceans. Earth emits its own heat in the form on infrared rays. Some of this heat escapes, while some is absorbed by greenhouse gas and then re-emitted back to earth. As more and more greenhouse gasses are emitted into earths atmosphere, more and more heat is trapped, resulting in a steady rise in overall temperature levels.

Greenhouse Effect

$CO_2$ is naturally in the earth's atmosphere, however due to human activity and greenhouse gas emissions (mainly through the burning of oil, natural gas, and coal) humans have altered the earths carbon cycle. Before the Industrial Revolution, levels of $CO_2$ in the atmosphere averaged around 270 ppm (parts per million). By 1960 the level was up to 313 ppm, and by 2013 the level reached a high of 400ppm. From 1990-2013 $CO_2$ emissions have increased by 7 percent. The main cause of these emissions from energy and transportation. The surest way to reduce $CO_2$ emissions is to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels - however with a constantly increasing world population and an expanding economy, energy use is ever increasing, increasing emissions.

Curb Emissions? A Prisoner's Dilemma Representation

If we know curbing $CO_2$ emissions would be in our best interest for our future, why are we not doing so? The refusal to put a cap on $CO_2$ emissions can be represented through the prisoners dilemma. Let's take the two countries with the highest $CO_2$ emissions, China and the United States. The best outcome would be for both countries to cut emissions, invest in green technology, install filters in factories, and produce less overall. If one country, let's say China decides to reduce emissions, But the United States does not, China loses money in transitioning to greener technology, loses money as its production level falls, and the US is still polluting, so they do not reap the benefit of having a global change in $CO_2$ emissions. On the other hand, if China decides to not reduce emissions, but the United States does, China will reap the benefit of fewer emissions in the global atmosphere and they will not spend money on green technology themselves. If both countries decide to not reduce emissions, they will both face the consequence of global warming in the long term, but in the short term their profits will remain the same. This is represented in the payoff matrix below.

As we can see, the dominate strategy for both players is to do nothing and not reduce $CO_2$ emissions. If both countries follow their dominant strategy, the best outcome will never be achieved, and everyone will remain worse off.  

Assisted Tit for Tat Strategy

The choice of a country to/to not curb emissions is not limited to one time period. For example if in 2017 the US decides to not curb emissions, in 2018 it would have another opportunity to decide whether to curb/not curb emissions. Games that occur multiple times over multiple periods are known as repeated/iterated games. In repeated games players can use the decision of the other players from the previous round to determine their strategy for the current round. 

A tit-for-tat strategy in game theory is a strategy in which a players strategy is to start off cooperating. The next round, the player operating under the tit-for-tat strategy will do what ever the other player did the previous round.

Let's say U.S citizens pressure their government to curb emissions, so the U.S decides to cut emissions in the first round. Let P represent the initial round of the game. The table below demonstrates the tit-for-tat strategy.
As you can see, in the second round China would be faced with the decision to continut polluting or cut emissions. If China knows the US is under pressure from its citizens to curb emissions, China will decide to continue poluting as that decision will yield the highest utility.

Hence, the tit-for-tat strategy does not bring about the best solution for both countries in this situation. Clemons and Shimmelbusch, in their paper The Environmental Prisoner's Dilemma, propose an assisted tit-for-tat strategy in which tariffs will be imposed upon China in the second round if China does not curb its emissions.
With the new tariff, by just round two China would agree to also cut emissions as it would receive the highest utility from this decision.

Treaty Participation Game

Let's take into account the Kyoto Protocol - an international treaty with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in which members pledge to reduce emissions. Players (in this case countries) decide where to sign or not-sign the treaty. In this game there are three stages:

Stage 1: All players simoltaneously sign/don't sign.
Stage 2: Signatories decide whether to collectively curb emissions or continue polluting.
Stage 3: Non-signatories decide whether to curb emissions or continue polluting.

In Stage 1, if country A decides not to sign. then country B is indifferent about signing. If country A decides to sign, then country B is better of by signing.
In Stage 2, if both countries sign the will maximize their utility. If only one country signs, then the non-signer will pollute, so they will also pollute.
In Stage 3, non-signatories will reach their Nash-Equilibrium by choosing to continue polluting.

Let there be n players. 
Let  \alpha = porportion of countries that sign.
So there are \alpha n signers.

Then \pi_n (\alpha) = payoff for non signers.
Then \pi_s (\alpha) = payoff for signers. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Colonel Blotto Games!

The (Colonel) Blotto Games!

The Blotto Games (aka the "Divide Dollar" games) is a type of two person, zero sum game. The players involved are supposed to distribute a said amount of limited resources over several object, in this case, battlefields. The player that devote assigns more resources to a specific battlefield wins that battle and the payoff is the number of battlefields that are won.

Sadly, Colonel Blotto is not real. He is just a fictional character in a paper, BUT, in said paper, he was given the task to find the ideal distribution of his soldiers over N battlefields with these conditions:

  1. Each Battlefield victory is given to the side that gives more soldiers to that specific field.
  2. However, the two parties do not know how many soliders the other side will distribute to that specific battlefield
  3. In order to win, you want to capture more battlefield sites than your opponent

 Example Example:

For example, lets say this game is between two players who have to choose 3 positive integers in acending order such that they add up to a specified number S. Once agian, the players must choose these numbers (without knowing what other player will do) and show their distribution at the same time. 

For S = 6, the possible arrangements are (1,1,4), (1,2,3), or (2,2,2). SO:
  1. Anything against itself is a draw
  2. (1,1,4) draws with (1,2,3) ---> 1 < 2, but 4 > 3
  3. (1,2,3) draws with (2,2,2) ---> 1 < 2, but 3 > 2 
  4. (2,2,2) beats (1,1,4)
Its clear to see that the optimal strategy is to choose the (2,2,2) as it either draws or beats any other pair with S = 6. If both players decide to choose either (2,2,2) or (1,2,3), then none of them can beat each other so these pairs just so happen to be the Nash Equillibrium

Of course, as S goes up, the game becomes harder to analyze. With S = 12, we can come to the conclusion that (2,4,6) is the optimal strategy. However, with S > 12 (lets say 13) , we can see that either choosing (3,5,5) , (3, 3, 7) or (1, 5, 7) each have a .333 probability to be the ideal strategy (as each either lose or win against the other two pairs. 

Colonel Blotto vs Cononel Lotso! 

Lets say Blotto wants to attack and capture 2 different locations. Lucky for him, he has 4 resources he can distribute across as he may. On the other hand, his emeny Lotso wishes to capture those same 2 locations, but he sadly only had 3 resources to choose from to distribute.

SO lets talk Payouts and Utility.

The payout for each "battle" will be 1 + however many troops the less Colonel sent over to that site. So for example:

If each Colonel sends all their troops to one site, then Blotto (having sent more troops)
will earn 1 point for securing the location, and 3 points for capturing Lotso's troops. 
Thus, Blotto will earn a payout of 4 total points. 

On the other hand, if each Colonel were to send all of their troops to different locations, then they would both sure their respected locations. However, they would also not gain any advantage against their enemy. Therefore, the net payout will be 0 for both players. 

What should each Colonel do?

First, lets look at the possible options for both Colonels:

  1. Blotto: (4,0), (0,4), (3,1), (1,3) and (2,2) 
  2. Lotso: (3,0), (0,3), (2,1) and (1,2)
Where the X coordinate is location 1 and 
the Y coordinate is location 2

Comparing all of the possible values for both Colonel against each other, we get the following payout matrix in terms of Blotto's earnings only:

**Note that this matrix shows a net payout. So Blotto
may send (4,0) to Lotso's (2,1) and Blotto would earn 3 points for 
one site (2 + 1 secure point). However he also loses a point because
Lotso is beating him at the other site earning (0 + 1 secure point).
With this, we can say Blotto's net payout is 3 - 1 = 2.

Optimally, Blotto would want to play either (4,0) or (0,4) most of the time, and (2,2) sometimes. He would never want to play (1,3) or (3,1).
Lotso on the other hand would want to play (2,1) or (1,2) a majority of the time and very rarely will he want to play (3,0) or (0,3).

This happens to be the case because with both players playing ideally, Blotto would want to concentrate all of his troops and resources to one destination knowing that Lotso will never be able to out play him in numbers. Occasionally, he will actually split his troops to ensure that Lotso will not be able to capture a location easily.

Lotso will want to almost always play by splitting up his troops because he knows he is out matched by Blotto by the numbers with hopes that he can secure a lesser location. He will also want to deploy all of his troops to one destination occasionally because he doesn't want Blotto to always send his troops to one place all the time.

Why? Find out the complicated and highly confusing reason and explanation here or here!


The Blotto games is a simple and easy to follow game that requires the players to simultaneously distribute resources over a certain amount of territories. All you need to play is a friend, a piece of paper, and a pen!

Of course, this game relates well to real life war where an Army would want to have well distributed troops over the battlefield such that the enemy never gets any solid advantage. But ever hear of the game of Risk? 

Risk is a game where each player starts off as a specific country that has its troops randomly distributed across the world. The objective is to use your resources and strategize to capture the enemy troops as well as territories. 

Thats all I got! Thank you!



Sunday, November 15, 2015

Game Theory in Soccer

As we shall soon see, game theory has a number of applications in sports. This is not all that surprising because, after all, sports are games that have implicit costs, utilities and strategies. In this discussion, the game theoretic underpinnings of soccer will be considered. Likely the two most common invocations of game theory with regard to soccer are the semifinalists’ dilemma and the decision theory of penalty kicks.
The semifinalists’ dilemma arises from the distribution of a finite level of stamina between the semifinal round and final round. We assume there are four equally matched semifinalists (representative of opposing soccer teams) A, B, C, and D. In the first round—the semifinal round—A will contest B, and C will contest D. The two prevailing teams from the semifinals will advance to the final round, in which both players will vie for the championship title. The two losers from the semifinal round will return in the final round to compete for third place. The players’ payoffs will be given by the results of the tournament. Let’s denote these different payoffs i , j, k, and l, such that i < j < k < l. This implies that l represents the payoff of the winning player, while i represents the loser’s payoff.

Figure 1. How do you distribute stamina in the Soccer World Cup?

We can assume the outcome of a game can be modeled by a probability density function, which gives a player’s probability as an increasing function of stamina investment. This suggests that a player’s probability of winning the semifinal game, p, depends on the amount of stamina he is willing to expend. Because the level of stamina is assumed to be finite, the player has a probability 1-p of winning in the final round.
Recall that we stipulated that our players A, B, C, and D were evenly matched and had equal amounts of stamina. Each player’s strategy—and resulting payoff—will depend on how much stamina he is willing to expend in the semifinal round. Therein lies the dilemma; how much stamina should be spent in the semifinal round? Is it better for a player to fully exert himself ensuring a victory in the semifinal, or is it better to reserve some stamina for the subsequent championship round?
The answer of course depends on the value of i, j, k, l. There are three possible Nash equilibria. First, any pure strategy (i.e. exert or reserve) will be a Nash equilibrium when the winner receives a much greater payoff than the other players.  Second, if first and second place have much higher payoffs than third or fourth place, and the payoffs are not significantly different, then the only Nash equilibrium is such that all players employ a pure strategy and expend all of their stamina in the semifinal round. Third, if the payoff for last place is significantly less than any other finish, a Nash equilibrium is formed when all players adopt a mixed strategy whereby each player uses all or none of his stamina in the semifinal game. In essence, the players’ strategies will depend on their value of the payoffs for each finish in the tournament.   
                My explanation here is a little ambiguous. If you are curious about the onerous math behind these generalizations, check out this article.

                Now, let’s turn our attention to the decision theory behind penalty kicks. Penalty kicks are awarded to the team whose opponent has committed a foul. In a penalty kick, a kicker attempts to score on the opponent’s goal, defended only by the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper must stand on the goal line until the ball has been kicked, and then he must make a dive left or right to try and block the incoming ball.
                For the sake of a game theoretic analysis of penalty kicks, we must make the following assumptions:
  1. The kicker kicks precisely at the same time the goalie dives. This isn’t an entirely unreasonable assumption, as it takes an average of 0.3 seconds for the ball to reach the goal. So the goalie definitely doesn’t have time to deliberate which way he needs to dive.
  2. The kicker and goalie employ mixed strategies. That is, the kicker may kick to the left or the right of the goal with probabilities p and 1-p, and the goalie may dive left or right with probabilities q and 1-q.
  3.  If the kicker kicks the ball in the same direction that the goalie dives, the ball will be successfully blocked. If the kicker kicks the ball in the opposite direction that the goalie dives, the kicker will successfully score a goal.
This model closely resembles the game of matching pennies. In matching pennies, two competitors, A and B, simultaneously display pennies. If the pennies do not match (heads, tails), then player A collects one dollar from player B. On the other hand, if the pennies match ((heads, heads) or (tails, tails)) then player B receives one dollar from player A. The payoff matrix is as follows:

Figure 2. A payoff matrix for the matching pennies game. 

The example of matching pennies can be modified to model penalty kicks. If the direction of the goalie’s dive "matches" the direction of the kick, then he successfully defends the goal and both players receive a payoff of zero; the score remains the same. However, if the direction of the goalie’s dive does not match the direction of the kick, he misses the ball and receives a payoff of -1, and the kicker scores a payoff of 1. The results are summarized in the payoff matrix below. 
Figure 3. A payoff matrix for the penalty kick. 

      No doubt, this model is flawed. Here, we assume there’s a 50/50 chance that a player will choose one direction over another. In truth, there is a much higher probability that a right-footed player will kick the ball left; a left-footed player is also more likely to kick the ball right (and surely ambipedal soccer players are few and far between). We can also presume that goalies don’t just dive willy-nilly. Professional goalies probably make a point of checking players’ footedness. The kicker’s approach to the ball is also pretty telling. If he is right-footed, he would actually have to approach the ball on an arc and angle his body away from the goal to make a right shot.

               Goalie be like…
Figure 4. Goalies aren't quite as clueless as our model makes them out to be. 

Well, that’s all folks. Looking forward to our discussion of game theory in sports!  

Baek, Seung Ki, Seung-Woo Son, and Jeong Hyeong-Chai. "Nash Equilibrium and Evolutionary Dynamics in                                Semifinalists' Dilemma." American Physical Society, 30 Apr. 2015. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.
Grant, Andrew. "Here's What Game Theory Says about How to Win in Semifinals." Science News. N.p., 22 May                              2015. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.
Harford, Tim. "What Economics Teaches about Penalty Kicks." Slate. N.p., 24 June 2006. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.
Spaniel, William. "The Game Theory of Soccer Penalty Kicks." William Spaniel. N.p., 12 June 2014. Web. 15 Nov.                          2015.

Game Theory and Tennis

Pop quiz: Who is your favorite tennis player?


The game of tennis is one of the oldest sports in the world and considered one of the most mental games.  In a singles match, each player has the chance to serve, and therefore each player also has the chance to receive. The server can win points on the serve, and can also lose the point on the serve through a double-fault, or the serve may be returned successfully. The scoring system of a tennis game is the following: each game within a match is won when a player has four or more points and a lead of at least two points. The first player to six games with a lead of at least two games wins a set ( a tiebreaker is played if the score reaches six games apiece), and the winner of three out of five sets wins the match.

On the aspect of game theory, the question becomes whether we can us game theory to predict the behavior of each player on the court. Research has shown that although each player may have a stronger side (forehand or backhand) or able to serve better to one side, it is very rare to find a Pure-Strategy Nash Equilibrium between any two top players, and therefore each player must constantly be adapting his/her mixed-strategy Nash Equilibrium to fit prior information. No Pure-Strategy Nash Equilibrium indicates that players should be "unpredictable" by his/her opponents. That is, players should randomize between strategies so that they do not get exploited.


Consider the following example in a Tennis match,

the potential pure strategies for the server can be analyzed as follows:

(1). If the server always aims forehands (F) then the receiver (anticipating the forehand serve) will always move forehands and the payoffs will be (90,10) to receiver and server respectively
(2). If the server always aims Backhands then the receiver (anticipating the backhand serve) will always move backhands and the payoffs will be (60,40).

However, the server will choose neither (1) nor (2) if he/she wants to win the serve. Thus, the server can increase his/her performance by mixing forehands and backhands.

For example, suppose the server aims forehand with 50% chance and backhands with 50% chance. Then the receiver's payoff is
(1). 0.5*90 + 0.5*20 = 55 if the receiver moves forehands and
(2). 0.5*30 + 0.5*60 = 45 if the receiver moves backhands.
Since it is better to move forehands, the receiver will do that and the payoff will be 55. Hence, if the server mixes 50-50 the payoff will be 45, which is already an improvement for the server's payoff.

The next step is to see if we can find a best mix-strategy for the server. Suppose the server aims forehands with q probability and backhands with 1-q probability. Then calculating the receiver's payoff we get:
(1). q*90 + (1-q)*20 = 20 + 70q if the receiver moves forehands and
(2). q*30 + (1-q)*60 = 60 - 30q if the receiver moves backhands.

The receiver will move towards the side that maximize his/her payoff. Therefore, the receiver will move:
(1). forehands if 20 + 70q > 60 - 30q,
(2). backhands if 20 + 70q < 60 - 30q, and
(3). either one if 20 + 70q = 60 - 30q.
So the receiver's payoff = max{20 + 70q, 60 - 30q}.

In order to maximizing the server's payoff, he/she should minimize the receiver's payoff. The server can do this by setting 20 + 70q and 60 - 30q equal:
20 +70q = 60 - 30q so that 100q = 40 and q = 0.4.
The server should aim forehands 40% of the time and backhands 60% of the time. In this case, the receiver's payoff will be 20 + 70*0.4 = 60 - 30*0.4 = 48. Hence, the server's payoff will be 100-42=52.

We can use the similar method to analyze the mix-strategy for the receiver. 
Suppose the receiver moves forehands with probability p. Then the receiver's payoff is:
(1). p*90 + (1-p)*30 = 30 + 60p if the server aims forehands and
(2). p*20 + (1-p)*60 = 60 - 40p if the server aims backhands.

In this situation, the server will aim towards the side that minimizes the receiver's payoff. Hence, the server will aim at:
(1). forehands if 30 + 60p < 60 - 40p
(2). backhands if 30 + 60p > 60 - 40p
(3). either one if 30 + 60p = 60 - 40p.

So the receiver should equate 30 + 60p and 60 - 40p to maximize the payoff:
30 + 60p = 60 - 40p so 100p = 30 and p = 0.3
The receiver should move forehands 30% of the time to maximize the payoff and backhands 70% of time. In this case the receiver's payoff will be 30 + 60*0.3 = 60 - 40*0.3 = 48. The server's payoff will be 100 - 48 = 52.

After calculating the payoff for both the server and the receiver, the mixed strategy came out to be:
Receiver: 0.3F + 0.7B
Server: 0.4F + 0.6B
And this is the only strategy that cannot be "exploited" by either player.

Important Observation

There is an important observation that found by many mathematicians who study mixed-strategy of tennis: If a player is using a mixed strategy at equilibrium, then he/she should have the same expected payoff from the strategies he/she is mixing. Based on this observation, we can easily find mixed-strategy Nash Equilibrium in a 2*2 game.

Let's find the mixed-strategy Nash Equilibrium of the following game which has no pure strategy Nash Equilibrium.

In this example, let p be the probability of player 1 playing U and q be the probability of player 2 playing L at mixed-strategy Nash Equilibrium. We want to find p and q. Do you know how to do it? We will go over this example in class on Tuesday.


Although research has shown that players in a tennis match should constantly adapting his/her mixed-strategy Nash Equilibrium to gain more payoff, it is much harder to find a mixed-strategy Nash Equilibrium in because of the mental portion of the game. But it is important for us to get the idea that either player can do better by choose a mixed-strategy than pure strategy. In this post, I only focus on how mixed-strategy Nash Equilibrium applied to tennis match. Game theory can also applied to whether or not to challenge the line call during a tennis game. I provided some useful links for further reading. All in all, many people have mixed opinions about tennis, but for me it is just a purely enjoyable sport!


Friday, November 13, 2015

Game Theory and Baseball

Game Theory and Baseball

Ever since 1977, there have been links between mathematics and baseball. The chief reason for this is because of a man named Bill James, who coined the term “sabermetrics”, which is the application of statistical analysis to baseball records used to compare and evaluate players’ and teams’ success. This boiled down to Bill James having the ability to find value in cheap players that were written off by the MLB, and change the way organizations scout and draft players (he is now a chief advisor for the Red Sox). I’m sure most of you have seen or heard of the movie, Moneyball (excellent flick and pretty much Jonah Hill’s audition for serious movies later on).  Since the moneyball revolution in the early 2000s, all teams have been looking for more ways to get a leg up on the competition, and it seems that game theory is next in line. In the last five years, game theory has been applied to baseball to try to improve future performance in a number of ways, such as the following: Pitch Selection, Batting Discipline, and Player Drafting.

Nash Equilibrium and Drafting

The first application of game theory that we will run through will utilize our good friend John Nash, and how the Nash equilibrium can apply to drafting prospects out of high school and college. In 2012, the MLB instituted a new rule regarding bonuses for drafted players. This rule essentially created slots for groups of players based on their pick number that determined the maximum bonus they could receive, for example let’s say all players between picks 15 and 25 are allowed a max of $1,000,000. Each team has a total amount that they can spend on draftees, so if a team goes big in the early rounds, then they will have to be more frugal on later in the draft. The experts broke this down to find a Nash equilibrium. So lets say two teams, the LA Dodgers and San Francisco Giants are debating on picks early in the draft between picking a proven college player, and a top high school prospect. Each team must decide in advance if they need to negotiate a contract with a high school player, so they don’t know what the other team will do. The figure below shows us how the teams will act:

College draftee
High-school draftee
College draftee
High-school draftee
As we can see with our trained Nash eyes, both teams will end up choosing high school draftees although they could guarantee a higher payoff elsewhere. The reason behind this numbers is that high school players are a bigger risk/reward payoff, meaning if both teams picked a college star, it is cheaper and he will contribute right away rather than spending years in the minor leagues. However, it is optimal for both teams to pick the high school player because if the Giants choose a college star, and there is a future superstar from high school then the Dodgers must choose a high school player. Both teams will end up drafting high school players because although it is a riskier option, it is the “smart” move (basically due to the Mike Trout effect, an MLB MVP at the age of 23).


Next we will look at the applications of game theory to pitch selection and how some pitchers can improve performance. This application works by taking one player and analyzing each pitch and measuring its effectiveness against all others thrown by that pitcher. With each pitcher in the graph below, his first pitch (most thrown) and second pitch were analyzed, with scores ranging from -3.2 to +5. A positive score means the pitch is more effective so should be thrown more, and the opposite for a negative pitch. The number below is a graph of the best and worst pitchers measured:

The closer each pitch number is to 0.0, the closer the pitcher is to throwing the optimal number of fastballs, sliders, curveballs etc. As we can see from the graph Tanner Roark is a smart pitcher, and Ross Detwiler not so much.

Batter Up

Game Theory has also been applied to help batters out in key situations, such as at the end of games with a 3-2 count (on the next pitch the batter either walks, gets a hit, or is out). The prisoner’s dilemma box applies to this situation, but we won’t find a Nash equilibrium in this situation. Let’s say for the sake of the game that if a pitcher throws a strike and the batter swings, he will get a hit and the pitcher loses. If the pitcher throws a ball and the batter swings, then the batter is out and the pitcher wins. If a batter decides not to swing, he is gambling that the pitcher will throw a ball and not strike him out. The box below shows us the predicament the players are in:  

Because there is no zone where both players are satisfied with their decision, a mixed strategy must be played in order to find equilibrium, which means deciding a move on probability. Long story short, (I will explain the math in class) we find an equilibrium in the long run if both the pitcher and batter choose each strategy 50% of the time. Both players will win half the time, and because the other player is choosing each option 50% at random, neither can improve utility by altering strategy.

As we can see, there are many applications of math to this nation’s pastime and this game theory connection is relatively new for baseball so I’m sure there is more to come in the future! So that is a bit of game theory and baseball, again if you liked reading this post at all, go watch Moneyball right now, the trailer is linked here. See ya Tuesday folks.


