Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Rotor-Router Model

What is it? 

The Rotor-Router Model, created by Jim Propp, is a four sided device that is meant to represent that of random walk. A Random Walk  for a particular particle (or object) is a path which begins at an initial point (lets just say the origin) and that object chooses its next path/direction with equal probability, no mater the previous movement.

Most of us, including myself, practices random walk    
at least 3 times a week. GOOD JOB TEAM!

So... What about it?

We can prove that in a finite region, Zd, the exit time of simple random walk converges to a Euclidean ball in Rd. 
With a finite region A in Zd, let A' be the region (that is random) by starting a random walk at the origin. The random walk will stop when it first exits the finite region A. 

The internal diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) is the growth model that starts from the origin. The region of An, if you were to rescale to n^(1/d), converges to a Euclidean ball in Rd with a probability of 1 as n goes to infinity. 

When an object is placed in the center after going through its random walk and rotation, the particle eventually leaves the region A, after the clockwise rotation of 90 degrees and a new step in a new direction. This serves as a simulation of first-order properties of random walk.  

When the object, after random walk, reaches a point that is not in A, that point is added next to the region and eventually, there is a sequence of regions that is created called An. 

For example: If all the rotors are initially pointing north, 
the sequence will begin A1 = {(0,0)}, A2 = {(0,0),(1,0)}, A3 = {(0,0),(1,0),(0,-1)}, etc. 

The converging Euclidean Ball 


We want to prove the shape for the rotor-router model that is similar to a model with internal DLA properties. The symmetric difference of sets R and S is denoted by sym(R,S).  For a region A in  Zd, the union of closed cubes in Rd, that is centered at the points of A, can be written as A*, We write L for d-dimensional Lebesgue measure. 

(Definition: Lebesgue measure, in measure theory, is the standard way of assigning a measure to subsets of n-dimesional Euclidean space. For n = 1,2, or 3, it coincides with the standard measure of length, area, or volume.) 

Let (An)n > 1  be rotor-router aggregation in Zd, starting from any initial configuration of rotors. Then as n tends to infinity L( n-1/d sym(An*, B) ) converges to zero, where B is the ball of unit volume centered at the origin in Rd.


All-in-all, the Rotor-Router Model is a device made to demonstrate a random walk of an object along a graph. There are theories that try to solve how and in which direction this object or particle moves, but theres not much else to it. But it is very interesting to see how in-fact this particle moves along the graph. There is a cool website to actually see how this is represented 



  1. Thank you for your post Jonathan. This is an interesting topic and I look forward to hearing your presentations to see how it relates to graph games and graph theory. Also, in your image of the rotor-router of 270k particles which is the Euclidean ball, there seems to be a pattern. Is that a property of rotor-routers or is it a property of the Euclidean ball? I look forward to learning more on how these two things are related! Also, I am a little bit confused by the part where it says that the random walk will stop once a particle exits region A and continues on another region. Once again, looking forward to our discussion. Well done!

  2. Interesting topic, I am a little confused, would the shape change depending on the length of the walk? What is this model used for in the real world/how would it be applied? I too am really interested to see how the image applies to the Rotor-Router model - it looks rather complex. Could the object ever returned to the starting point - or will it always move away?

  3. Thank you for your post Jon, looking forward to the presentation. With Sam and Seneth, I am a little confused on the path/region. Is the random direction on a path or a region? The picture makes it seem like it is a region, but then is this region connected to or next to other regions? Looking forward to talking about it in class, thanks!

  4. Jon, understanding the Rotor-Router model seems to require considerable mathematical prowess. I commend your effort to explain some of the sophisticated concepts behind the theory. I wish I had gotten you hear you present on this topic, as it employs some pretty fancy stochastic and geometric concepts I'd never heard of. Since this model is used to describe random walks, can it be used to explain some of the phenomena observed in the more probabilistic variations of pursuit-evasion games (like cop vs drunk)?
