What is cop vs. gambler?
A variation of cop vs. robber where the robber is not restricted by the graphs edges, and instead moves accordingly to to a time-independent probability distribution. The cop moves from vertex to adjacent vertex with the goal of minimizing expected capture time; making the gamblers goal to maximize it
Things to know:
graph: connected and undirected with V(G) = {$v_{1}, v_{2},..., v_{n}$}
cop: same as original rules, can move from vertex to adjacent vertex and stay put on each turn
gambler: chooses probability distribution $p_{1}, p_{2},...,p_{n}$ on V(G). Each time t >= 0 he is at vertex $v_{i}$ with probability p
note: The gambler can pick whatever probabilities he wants as long as they sum to 1.
-players move simultaneously
-players move in the dark
-game continues until gambler is captured (both cop and gambler occupy the same vertex)
capture time- remains the same as cop vs. robber, that is the number of moves up to and including the capture.
gamble- the gamblers probability distribution, for example if a graph has 5 vertices labeled $v_{1}, v_{2}, v_{3},v_{4}, v_{5}$, on choice of gamble for the gambler is $p_{1}$ = .05 $p_{2}$ = .25 $p_{3}$ =.40 $p_{4}$ = .15 $p_{5}$ =.15
value of the game - expected capture time with both players playing at their best.
There are two variations of cop vs.gambler: 1) cop knows the gamble and 2)cop doesn't know the gamble. I am going to focus mainly on when the cop does know the gamble.
We know;
The cop can capture the gambler in expected time less than or equal to n on $P_{n}$
Strategy: cop moves from $v_{1}$ towards $v_{n}$ stopping when $p_{i}$ is large enough to allow it.
Now, Suppose cop is at $v_{i}$:
- let $m_{i}$ = n-i +1, be the total number of vertices "ahead" of the cop, including the one she is occupying
-let $c_{i}$ = $p_{i}+...+p_{n}$, be the sum of probabilities of vertices that are ahead
-let T_{i} be expected time from now (current position) until capture time
Claim: $T_{i} < m_{i}/c_{i}$ for all i /in {i....n} proceed by induction
when $m_{i}$=1, i = n, so the cop is at $v_{n}$, hence $C_{n} = P_{n}$ therefore
$T_{n} = 1/P_{n} = M_{n}/C_{n}$
Suppose this holds for all $m_{j}$ for j > 1, and cop has arrived at v_{i}
if $p_{i} >= c_{i}/m_{i}$ we are done since $T_{i} = i/p_{i} <= m_{i}/c_{i}$
suppose $p_{i}<c_{i}/m_{i}$ with probability $p_{i}$, the cop captures the gambler at $v_{i}$
(which takes one) and with probabiltity 1-p; she moves to vertex v_{i+1},
Now: $m_{i+1}=m_{i}-1<m$; so expected capture time from this new position is bounded by $m_{i+1}/c_{i+1}=m_{i}-1/c_{i}-p_{i}$. This yields the following inequality:
$T_{i}$ ≤ 1 + (1 − $p_i$)
$m_i$−1 $c_{i}−p_{i}$
We have (for i > 1):
$p_{i} <
c_{i}/ m_{i}$
⇒ $c_{i}(c_{i} − 1) < m_{i}p_{i}(c_{i} − 1)$
⇒ $c_{i}(c_{i} − m_{i}p_{i} + m_{i} − 1 + p_{i} − p_{i}) < m_{i}(c_{i} − p_{i})$
⇒ $c_{i} c_{i} − p_{i} (c_{i} − p_{i} + m_{i}(1−p_{i}) − (1−p_{i})) < m_{i }$
⇒ $c_{i} +
c_{i} − p_{i} (m_{i} − 1) < m_{i}$
⇒ $1 +
1−p_{i} c_{i} − p_{i} (m_{i} − 1) <
m_{i} c_{i}$
Therefore $T-{i} <
m_{i} c_{i}$ whenever $p_{i} <
c_{i} m_{i}$.
Lemma 2.1: The cop can capture the gambler in expected time at most n on any tree of order n.
as well as:
Lemma 3.1: The cop and the gambler game played against a uniform gamble has expected capture time exactly n.
Theorem 3.2: The value of the cop vs. gambler game on any connected n-vertex graph is n.
all of which I will discuss in class tomorrow.
It turns out the game value is n regardless of the graphs structure, whether the cop picks her initial position or not, or whether the cop chooses her initial position before or after the gambler makes his strategy known.
We know a few different things about the unknown gambler (when the gamblers gamble is not known). One I found most interesting was Lemma 4.4 because it allows us to compare it directly with the known gambler.
Lemma 4.4: The cop vs. unknown gambler has expected capture time of less then 2n, on any connected n-vertex graph.
Since this is only any upper bound this does not hold true for every case but in most cases the unknown gambler is stronger compared to the known gambler.
Food for thought:
Imagine an anit-incursion program (or a program to prevent an attack) has to navigate a linked list of ports, trying to minimize the time to intercept an enemy packet as it arrives.; if the enemies' port choice is known we a get a version of the known gambler, otherwise the unknown gambler.
Forgot to write my sources:
Great presentation! As expected, this game has to deal with alot of heavy theories and lemmas and I think you did a great job of expaining the key ideas of the game and how they relate to each of the proofs. I feel as if there has to be a clear distinct strategy to when the gambler gets to choose its probabilities since the cop can always win in every game. As Natasha said at the end, i guess it just makes sense to make all the proportions equal to each other. Anyways, great job!
ReplyDeleteI wonder what the strategy against the unknown gambler is. Perhaps seeing where the gambler lands on every move and constructing the probability distribution as you play turn to turn?
ReplyDeleteHey Bayard---that's an interesting question. But here's the issue with that approach: if we sit around just gathering this information, we'll be sitting for a while. But as we mentioned in class, the expected capture time for the unknown gambler case is (strictly) between n and 2n. So we can't spend all that long sitting around and watching what he does! So in some sense, the best we can do is just assume that the gambler is using a uniform gamble and act accordingly. Of course, during that process we may see that he is spending a lot of time at one vertex or some subset of vertices, and we can use this information to direct our search; how exactly we can balance finding the gambler quickly with watching to see what information we can learn about his gamble is an interesting question that would make a great research project. :)
DeleteNice work! You managed to present the theorems applied to this game in a way that was clear and easy to follow. In class we discussed strategies for the cop to reduce capture time. I guess I'm now wondering what are some of the gambler strategies employed in creating a probability distribution on the graph. I feel like a graph with equally probable vertices would make for the longest capture time, unless n is sufficiently large that the probabilities get very small. Are their ways to set traps for the cop? For example, would surrounding a highly probable vertex with a neighborhood of low-probability vertices give rise to longer capture time?
ReplyDeleteWell, as it turns out the gambler can't actually do anything to make the game last longer than n moves on average, so it doesn't really matter what he chooses! Assuming we are talking about the known gambler (which is what Lauren focused on in her presentation), the theorem says that there's no arrangement of probabilities that would be so bad that the cop couldn't find her way over to a sufficiently highly probable vertex in a sufficiently low number of steps. Surprising and frustrating (from the gambler's point of view)! Of course, if we are talking about the unknown gambler, then things may get more interesting. But, like the unknown gambler's distribution, the exact expected capture time for the unknown gambler is... unknown. ;)
DeleteThanks Lauren! As Jon was saying, the theorems and lemmas for this game were presented in a a great way to class as this seems like a very proof heavy topic. The strategy for the cops to catch the known gambler were also very helpful and I definitely had a better understanding of this after you presented in class. I am also curious about how different the strategy and capture times for the case of the unknown gambler would vary from the known gambler.