Sunday, October 11, 2015

Cops, Robbers and Alarms

About the Game:        
          Cops, Robbers and Alarms is a variation of Cops and Robbers in which the Cop has imperfect information—that is, she doesn’t know the exact location of the robber. Imperfect information makes intercepting her nefarious evader considerably more challenging, so the cop must install alarms on her beat. The game is played on a finite, undirected, copwin graph as in classical Cops and Robbers, but now the cop may set alarm systems on some of the vertices.
          When the robber occupies an “alarmed” vertex, the alarm will go off and the robber’s position is revealed to the cop. The alarms do not reveal the robber’s preimage, however, so the cop does not know the robber’s direction. (There is a variation called Cops, Robbers and Video Cameras, in which there are video surveillance systems that give the robber’s direction.)     

Rules of the Game:   
          Of course the cop cannot set alarms willy-nilly around the graph—that would be too easy! After all, classic Cops and Robbers is played on the trivial, fully-alarmed graph. Instead, the cop must obey a set of conditions determined at the beginning of the game. Let’s first consider a game with relatively lenient conditions:
  1.               Each unalarmed vertex must have at least one alarmed neighbor
  2.               Unalarmed vertices may not have unalarmed neighbors
          When these conditions are applied to an arbitrary undirected, copwin graph G, we get something like this (Figure 1). Open circles represent alarmed vertices. 

Figure 1. A copwin graph with liberal alarm placement.

          This particular graph would make for a very quick game of Cops and Robbers on account of its many corners and alarms. In fact, the robber could not move anywhere on the graph undetected, due to condition 2. BORING…

          So let’s tighten up the conditions on G. Suppose we created an undirected, copwin graph G on which the alarmed vertices form a dominating set. A dominating set is a subset D of G such that every element not in the intersection of D and G is adjacent to at least one element of D. When we impose this condition on the graph in figure 1, we get the following:

Figure 2. A copwin graph G, where the set of alarmed vertices forms a dominating set.  

          This new restriction eliminated a few more alarms, making it easier for the robber to evade the cop. This new alarm configuration is only slightly better for the robber though. He has a path of five unalarmed vertices in the leftmost portion of the graph on which he could move. If he remains in that central location, however, he is likely to run into the cop or get forced into a corner—not to mention that going undetected can be just as telling as setting off alarms.      
Alarm Number and Capture Time:
          It's clear that the alarm number, A(G), plays a critical role in determining capture time. Alarm number also determines the finiteness of the game. In some cases, graphs that are copwin in classic play become robberwin (infinite game) if there aren't enough alarms.

Witness Version of Cops and Robbers:
          Cops, Robbers and Witnesses is another variation of Cops and Robbers that warrants consideration here. Cops, Robbers and Witnesses is similar to Cops, Robbers and Alarms in that it is also based on the premise of imperfect information. In the witness version of the game, the cop is given information from witnesses either irregularly or k-regularly. 
          With irregular information, sightings of the robber are reported at random time intervals during the game. A graph is copwin with irregular information if the graph is a tree—an undirected graph in which any two vertices are connected by one unique path.
          In the case of k-regular sightings, the cop is informed of the robber's position every k units of time. A graph on which a cop can win with k-regular information is said to be k-winnable. 

          Cops, Robbers and Alarms is unique in its treatment of imperfect information vis-à-vis Hunter vs. Mole or Cop vs. Gambler. Capture time and the success of gameplay depend entirely on the alarm number, A(G) (or the k-regularity of information), rather than on probability. We will continue our exploration of the game and look at some different game conditions and graph types in class on Tuesday. 

Works Consulted:
Jeliazkova, D. (2006). "Aspects of the Cops and Robber Game Played with Incomplete Information." Acadia University.

Clarke, N.E. (2008). A Witness Version of the Cops and Robber Game." Discrete Mathematics. 309(10). pp. 3292-3298.   


  1. Hi Jesse, great post it was interesting and very easy to follow! I had a question regarding the alarms, does the robber know where the alarms are when choosing his starting point? And if so, is the robber allowed to repeat moves? If this is the case, then I think the cop would have to utilize the strategy used when looking at tree graphs as the robber could stay relatively still in the game. I also noticed that in figure 2, each 3-cycle in the graph had only 1 alarm and I was wondering if that was by design because you can still have adjacent alarms with the dominating set. I am looking forward to playing the game in class today.

    1. Hey Harry, sorry I'm late answering your question, but I hope our discussion in class made some of these details a little clearer. As far as the example in which alarms form a dominating set, you have to remember that we are interested in a lower bound on the number alarms that the cop needs in order to win on that particular graph. In this example, the alarms form a minimal dominating set (i.e. the smallest number of alarms that still form a dominating set). Dominating sets aren't unique subsets (they don't even have to be proper subsets!), so we could definitely set more alarms if we wanted to. For the purpose of this example though, we are trying to keep alarms at a minimum. I hope this helps!

  2. Excellent post, Jesse! One small phrasing thing: the cop doesn't have to obey any set of conditions per se; it's just that we want to know how few alarms she can get away with.

    We'll see the idea of regular witness reports again when Harry tells us about the board game Scotland Yard, so we should all keep this post in mind for when we discuss that!

  3. I really enjoyed playing the game in class - it seems there are so many areas upon which this game could expand. It would be interesting to see what would happen if when the robber stepped on an alarm, the cop was notified that the robber had activated an alarm but was unaware of the precise location of the alarm. I also think it would be neat to figure out how to turn a non-cop win graph into a cop-win graph by placement of alarms - is there a strategy for this? What would happen if the rules of the game were reversed, and the robber was notified when a cop hit an alarm - could you turn a cop-win graph into a non-cop win graph?

    1. Diddo on the non-specific alarms- that would be pretty cool! With regard to your second idea, you cannot turn a non-copwin graph into a copwin graph with alarms. The game must be played on a graph that is copwin in normal play, which kinda makes sense. If the cop played on a graph that wasn't copwin in normal play, she wouldn't be able to locate and capture the robber. Even if she could figure out where he was, she wouldn't be able to "corner" the robber.

  4. Great post and presentation! In your post you mentioned; It's clear that the alarm number, A(G), plays a critical role in determining capture time, do we know what this role? I thought you said in class there was not much discovered on this yet, but I couldn't remember!

    1. Alarm number has a lot of power in determining whether a graph is copwin or not. A graph that is copwin in normal play can be made non-copwin without sufficient alarm placement. Game theorists that study this game are interested in finding a lower bound on the number of alarms, but this bound is graph-specific. If you think about it, nailing down a lower bound on alarm number means that you basically have to consider all possible permutations of alarms on a given graph....
      This game is fairly new and arcane, so only a few publications on the subject are in circulation. A few bounds have been proposed, but the theory behind them is cumbersome, and the results are pretty unsatisfying.

  5. Hey Jesse, this is an interesting topic and both the post and the presentation are great and easy to follow! I enjoyed playing game with different conditions in class and it really helped me become familiar to the rules. I realize the alarms were placed only on the vertices, so I'm wondering is it possible to place alarms on edges? And if this is the case, what are the difference between placing alarms on vertices and on edges? Also, it would be interesting to explore what would happen if the original graph does not have any alarms be placed and the cop can place an alarm for every move (or every two moves) up to a certain number of alarms -- will this turn a cop-win game into a robber-win game?

    1. YES! There is a variation of the game in which alarms are placed on edges. I didn't spend much time researching this version of the game, but I would expect it would be very similar. I bet it would be cool if you played on a directed graph!
