In this post, I will be going over the ins and outs of Combinatorial Games that are played under Misere Rules. I will give a little background on recent discoveries in the Misere world, explain what makes misere games so interesting and excruciating, and then show a couple of examples of what really happens when you play with misere rules.
What Does Misere Mean?
As we all know by this point in class, misere refers to a game play option in which the rules are tinkered to change the outcome of the game. Under normal-play rules in an impartial combinatorial game, the last person to take his or her turn is the winner. This is flipped under misere-play, so you don't want to be the person with the last cookie, and this turns 0 into an N-position but more on that later.
Breaking Ground on Misere Games
It is pretty fair to say that the two names we've heard the most regarding combinatorial games are Sprague and Grundy, so it makes sense that we start here when discussing Misere discoveries. As we heard recently, Sprague and Grundy both essentially solved combinatorial games such as Nim in the 1930s. Through the Sprague-Grundy Theoerem, values, and function we can now analyze any position in the game to figure out the optimal play and who should win.This is because this theorem is the key to understanding the structure of the equivalence classes of games modulo equality. The issue regarding Misere play was described well by Thomas Plambeck and Aaron Siegel,
"The Sprague–Grundy Theorem yields a remarkably simple structure for the normal-play equivalence classes of impartial games. In misere play, however, the situation is vastly more complex. For example, consider just those impartial games born by day 6. In normal play, there are precisely seven of them, up to equivalence: 0, ∗, ∗2, . . . , ∗6. By contrast, Conway has shown that in misere play there are more than 2^4171779"
Since misere games can be a bit of a black hole when it comes to solving the strategy, experts have been working to organize them by difficulty. Since misere nim has been solved, a misere game is known as tame if it can be explained in terms of misere nim, as in it is tame enough to explain quickly(ish). If not, the set of games is wild.
Misere Quotients
Misere Quotients are the essential part to understanding and solving the only Misere games we can, and thus are fairly complicated. Misere quotients are described as commutative monoids that encode the additive structure of specific misere-play games. Basically what this means is that every situation in some game can be localized to the set of all positions that arise in the play of a particular, associating a game with one commutative monoid, which is the misere quotient. This monoid is essentially the key to the map and once the monoid is found, you can get a perfect strategy. Below is a misere quotient for a random octal game done by Thomas Plambeck:
As you can see, it analyzes every heap size until it can find a pattern, once it calculates the period then it creates the misere quotient (Q,P) as shown above.
Let's Solve One
To understand how to solve this game, we will follow the steps of the Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 5.
This is the game we will try to analyze playing with misere-play. 0.123 is an octal game (take away with two players and is impartial) where there is heaps of coins, tokens, etc. The basic rules are as follows:
1. Three counters may be removed from any heap;
2. Two counters may be removed from a heap, but only if it has more than two counters; and
3. One counter may be removed only if it is the only counter in that heap.
So we first analyze the size of the heaps, and we see the period is of length 5.
To make very long proof short, the paper then proves the theorem that the misere quotient of 0.123 is isomorphic to the following 20-element commutative semigroup
The 20 elements (second line) can then be broken up into 15 N-positions and 5 P-Positions
These steps are all in the image below with an example:
So thus we have beaten 0.123!!
That's a wrap on this blog post, I will hopefully go over everything in a little more detail tomorrow, but this is one example of a misere game being solved!
-Harry Copeland
Solid post here Harry. It is filled with great information, which flows very easily and easy on the eyes. Its interesting to think about how just changing a game to misere play can change so many things about positions and SG-values. It may just be me, but I feel like making a game misere style seems to make a strategy so much more complex. I think I understand the main idea of it, but if possible, can you go over the quotient numbers a little more? They clearly play a big part on figuring out what you want to do with the game, so I feel as if one should know how to do before they become the best. I honestly feel like if I figure out how to effectively learn the misere quotients, then I can become a misere master. All in all, great post and great job once again and im excited to hear more about it.
ReplyDeleteHi Jon, thanks for the comment, kind of a good news bad news situation with this one. So you're right that misere quotients are by far the most important part of trying to solve misere games, but this is also the problem and the reason why misere games are practically impossible to figure out. Thane Plambeck, a leader in the misere world, uses a software called MisereSolver to try to find his misere quotients, as it is pretty impossible to do by hand. So you're right on the importance of misere quotients, but that is also the reason Misere games are mostly unsolvable!
ReplyDeleteGreat job Harry! I think misere games are so interesting because with one simple rule change the outcome becomes drastically more complicated, a lot more so than I had imagined.
ReplyDeleteI'm throwing in the definition of monoid, I know we talked about it in class, but I forgot when i reread the blog so I figured I would put it in here for reference:
A monoid is a set that is closed under an associative binary operation and has an identity element I in S such that for all a in S, Ia=aI=a. Note that unlike a group, its elements need not have inverses. It can also be thought of as a semigroup with an identity element.
A monoid must contain at least one element.
Great post and presentation Harry! Like Lauren, I am amazed at how one small rule change can complicated everything and almost make it unsolvable.
ReplyDeletePlaying nim, it was interesting to see the different patterns that we came up with, even before going over them on the board. I was able to start recognizing if I had won or lost earlier and earlier. Sadly I wasn't able to realize that I had lost until it was a move too late. So I felt comfortable being able to figure out the N and P positions for a small game of Nim, but I could not imagine what Thomas Plambeck didd to self his Misere Game, so I took a look. And the game sounds a lot like Nim, except that a pile can be taken from and split in one turn. So to say this was solved, is impressive, but I cannot begin to imagine how higher level games are solved without the computer to produce the quotient.
Harry, I'm really excited for your discussion regarding misere games. Misere games represent a growing field of study in combinatorial game theory. I guess I'm a little confused by the concept of misere quotients and how to find them. From what you said it sounds like determining misere quotients is a grueling process, seeing as Plambeck has turned to computer programming to find them. I look forward to your explanation in class.
ReplyDeleteAwkward that I somehow commented four times.... Also awkward that I forgot I wasn't in class on Thursday and that's when you presented... So I'm bummed that I missed some interesting discussion regarding misere games.